Project Management Process

  1. Kickoff Meeting:
  • Introduction to the team and discussion of the project scope and requirements.
  • Establish a timeline and milestones for the project.
  • Agree on the deliverables and the scope of work.
  • Determine the communication channels and frequency of check-ins.
  • Discuss any potential challenges or roadblocks that may arise.
  1. Design Phase:
  • Creation of wireframes and mockups.
  • Feedback and approval from the client on the design.
  • Development of the final design with all necessary graphics and visual elements.
  • Delivery of the final design to the client for approval.
  1. Development Phase:
  • Creation of the development environment.
  • Installation and customization of the WordPress content management system.
  • Implementation of any custom coding required.
  • Testing of the website for functionality and responsiveness.
  • Delivery of the website for client review.
  1. Launch Phase:
  • Migration of the website to the live server.
  • Final testing and quality assurance.
  • Submission of the website to search engines and directories.
  • Client training on website management and maintenance.
  1. Post-Launch Phase:
  • Ongoing maintenance and support.
  • Performance monitoring and optimization.
  • Regular communication with the client to ensure continued satisfaction with the website.

Throughout the project, regular check-ins and updates will be provided to the client to keep them informed of progress and any changes to the timeline or scope of work. Any issues or concerns will be addressed promptly, and communication channels will remain open throughout the project to ensure that the client is satisfied with the final result.